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  • Academy of Skating - Chilliwack Coliseum - Spring Break 2025

Required Equipment for this program:

  • CSA Approved Hockey Helmet and Cage

  • Skates; hockey or figure

  • Mittens or Gloves

  • Breathable and non restrictive clothing

  • No Jeans 

  • No T-Shirts

  • No Shorts

  • No Bike Helmets


Where can I purchase equipment for upcoming programs?


Where can I find Ringette Equipment:

Spring Break 2025

Warriors Academy of Skating @ Chilliwack Coliseum

Program Information


Equipment: All participants are required to have a CSA approved Hockey Helmet with Cage, skates, gloves or mittens, breathable clothing and (optional) hockey equipment.  

Skate Rentals are an option but must be pre arranged prior to the first day.

Week #1 March 17, 18, 19 (3 classes) – Chilliwack Coliseum Secondary Rink

  • March 17 and 19 Times
    • 5:00 to 5:30 pm: Parent and Child, Tot Bronze (never had lessons) (30 min)
    • 5:35 to 6:15 pm: Tot Bronze (retake), Silver, Gold, Youth and Teen Bronze, Silver, gold (40 min) +$20
  • March 18 Times
    • 6:15 to 6:45 pm: Parent and Child, Tot Bronze (never had lessons) (30 min)
    • 6:50 to 7:30 pm: Tot Bronze (retake), Silver, Gold, Youth and Teen Bronze, Silver, gold (40 min) +$20

Week #2 March 26, 27, 28 (3 classes) – Chilliwack Coliseum Primary Rink

  • 4:30 to 5:00 pm: Parent and Child, Tot Bronze (never had lessons) (30 min)
  • 5:05 to 5:45 pm: Tot Bronze (retake), Silver, Gold, Youth and Teen Bronze, Silver, gold (40 min) +$20

General Information

Warriors Academy of Skating: (Tot, Youth, and Teen) is designed for skaters of all ages and experiences.  Whether you've never been on the ice or have some experience, we have a program designed for you to teach the "proper" fundamentals of skating.  Skaters will learn about balance, stride, open hips, posture, edges and much more!  The Academy of Skating programs will help prepare students for Hockey, Ringette, and additional Warrior programs.


  • Tots (3 to 5 yrs) 
  • Youth (6 to 12 yrs),
  • Teen (13 to 17 yrs)


  • Bronze: Never skated, or new to skatingPossible skills taught: Falling down comfortably, standing up without assistance, standing with good balance, posture, marching on the spot while using both legs,  two-foot jumps, side steps, making snow.
  • Bronze: Retake, have taken classes but not passed the level.  Possible skills taught: Falling down comfortably, standing up without assistance, standing with good balance, posture, marching on the spot while using both legs,  two-foot jumps, side steps, making snow.
  • Silver: Passed Bronze or has some previous skating experience.  Students must be able to get up and walk without assistance from a coach. Possible skills taught: Marching in a forward motion using both legs, v-position of skates to introduce the skating stride, two-foot glides, one-foot balance, snow plow stopping, sculling, backwards marching and forward crossovers.
  • Gold: Passed Silver or individuals in hockey or ringette looking to improve their skating.  Students need to be 100% comfortable on the ice and able to skate in a glide sequence forwards, be proficient in stopping, and understand how to move backwards.   Possible skills taught: One-foot glides, two-foot jumps while moving forwards and backwards, backwards sculling and skating, two-foot glides turning, proper skating stride and recovery, T-Pushes and snow plow stops.
  • Platinum: Passed Gold or individuals in hockey or ringette looking to improve their skating.  Students are proficient in both forwards and backwards skating.  Possible skills taught:  backwards skating using c-cuts, glide and recovery, backwards stopping, parallel stopping, forward inside and outside edges.

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Academy of Skating - Chilliwack Coliseum - Spring Break 2025

  • Product Code: SPB2025
  • Location: Chilliwack Coliseum 45323 Hodgins Ave
  • Product Sku: CC-LTS-SPB2025
  • Availability: In Stock

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  • $60.00

Required Info

Tags: tots, youth, teens, adults, skating, all ages

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